Thursday, June 3, 2010

exam abes , yeah !!

haha , yeah finally battle of the brain dh abes . actually ad satu lg tp kire dh abes laa jgak tuh . last paper bkan killing subject pnyer paper coz sume paper2 yg 'memebunuh' tu awal lg dh lpas . haha , so bleyh laa snang2 ckit kut . weee~~ . citer2 psal exam nie plak , dunno y tp for exam this tyme rase malaszzzz sngt nk revise . hehe , nmpk mcm dh terer kan ? tp sbenarnye hampeh . tgk jerr laa result nyer nanty . really hope supaya xde yg failed tp klau ad yg merah2 tuh confirm mst addmath . haha , as usual coz otak kiri slow ckit . but for this time punye addmath rse nyer mcm bleyh scored kut , xtau laa . doa2 je laa . huuuw , klau ad merah nanty kne mrah dgn ayah , hehe . btw , nk tau x ? exam kli nie BOLEH LAA . want to know wat i wan to say ? jum2

bhase mlayu ; lenguh tgn tulih manjang2 karangan + citer bagai tuh
bhase inggris ; hah , tyme nie idea mencurah2 . syok tuuh , haha .
math ; confirm kne ngn ckg norizan ^^"
science ; haha , meiosis & mitosis bleyh plak lupe .
agame ; confirm score walau un dlm pmr x , hehe . A ++
sejarah ; my ksukaan sbjct forever , blaja pasal tmadun dunia . xakn penah failed .
perdagangan ; bisneswoman bjaye to be , so kne expert psal bisnes laa , hehe
accnt ; ouh tidak !! pnyate kwangan & kunci kire2 . blurp blurp blurp ^_^"
addmath ; quadratic equation ? ape tu ? dear god , help me !!

yes2 , dh tulis panjang da , uke2 . stop dlu . later cntnue back . esk paper sivik . fuyyooo , susah tu . haha

till here then ,
study sivik sume ,
sbulan blalu dgn exam all day long ,
dpt result bagus ea sume .
auf wiedersehen .

p/s haa , nk holiday dah . pelbagai plan suda diatur an . weee~~

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